Skill WOD Sundays! 

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And have we got something cooked up for you.

The brainchild of our newest coach, Jason, this Sunday class will focus on a few key skills for a month straight. Each week will build on the previous weeks lesson plan. What that means for you, athletes, is that it will serve you well to make it to all the Sunday classes of the month to get the most out of the planned progression (or as many as you can manage).

Example movements include: toes to bar, kipping pull ups, handstands, double unders, push ups… you get the idea. 

The trial run of this program will be 4 weeks, starting February 9th and concluding March 1st, at 10:00am. IF this is something that sounds good to you, make sure you attend! We’ve hosted Sunday classes before, attendance was rather inconsistent, and we don’t want to give you something you won’t take advantage of.

To clarify, while there will now be classes offered seven days per week, this doesn’t mean you should show up seven days per week. There has to be rest days, ideally 1-2 per week at a minimum. However, the workouts will be written so that coming in Sunday won’t negatively affect your ability to come in Monday. 

Don’t confuse skill practice with open gym; this class will still feature a warm-up and conditioning session, just instead of lifting there will be an extensive focus on a particular gymnastics movement’s progression.

In time, your extra practice will make the selected movements easier to do with an elevated heart rate and while fatigued (aka in a WOD).

The movement focus for the first month are: Toes To Bar and Kipping Pull Ups. There will be progressions for both L1 and L2 athletes so if you’re interested in learning make sure you come out.

If you have any questions, just ask a coach. Hope to see you soon on a Sunday!