Saturday July 15, 2023


L1 Conditioning:

Partner AMRAP 13 Minutes:
A) Assault Bike (Cals)
B) 6 Hang DB Power Snatch / Arm
10 Alternating Sandbag Shoulders
-Rest 3:00-
Partner AMRAP 13 Minutes:
A) Row (Cals)
B) 10 Sandbag Back Squats
15 Kettlebell Swings

Notes: each AMRAP begins with a 300M Run. Both partners working, switch when task B is complete

L2 Conditioning:

Partner AMRAP 13 Minutes:
A) Assault Bike (Cals)
B) 6 Hang DB Power Snatch / Arm
8 Sandbag Shoulders
-Rest 3:00-
Partner AMRAP 13 Minutes:
A) Row (Cals)
B) 12 Wall Balls
15 Kettlebell Swings

Notes: each AMRAP begins with a 300M Run. Both partners working, switch when task B is complete

Rx: M - 50DB/100#/20#/28kg | F - 35DB/80#/20#/20kg

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