Continuing Education

By: Marcos Hernandez

Learning a little at a time, over a long time, is the key to continuing improvement. How far would you be in your job if you still only knew what you showed up with on the first day? Or even after the first month? 

Parents, how many books/articles/classes did you learn from before you had your first kid? Did you talk to other people, looking for advice?

In your pocket sits a device capable of letting you find information about any topic you choose. There’s influencers on social media, there are online courses, books, articles, and videos… some content’s better than others, but all exist at your fingertips.

When it comes to exercise/healthy living, I’m comfortable claiming the coaches at CFSS have likely forgotten more about fitness than most people will ever learn. Have questions? Let us share some knowledge or point you in the right direction! 

Whatever you are interested about, I’m sure we can recommend a resource. Often times, the material we present in our in Elements classes is a small introduction about a given topic. Take foam rolling for example: we showed you a series of 3-5 moves that you can use to improve your soft tissue quality. But did you know—wait for it—there’s more! Any tightness/movement limitation can be addressed and improved prior to class with one of the tools on the shelves, but if we don’t know what you need help with, how can we share our knowledge?

Want to learn more about nutrition? There’s books/podcasts/articles for that.

What about improving recovery?  There are books/podcasts/articles for that too.

As coaches, we are resources for you and we also possess resources for you to learn from on your own. Similarly, we can let you know if something is worth trying out or a complete waste of your time.

For example: I recently read about taping one’s mouth shut before sleep. Now, I’m all for nasal breathing, but this seems like overkill (I’ll admit, I have yet to try it.) I don’t think it’s worth the tape it requires BUT if someone was hell-bent on trying it, do some more research on the legitimacy and give it a go myself, just so I could make an informed recommendation.

The point is, we have advice and content about all things exercise and lifestyle that you may be interested in. This is part of the reason we’ve started the Sunday Skill WOD  program, which looks like it will be sticking around. We wanted to give people a chance to come in and gain a deeper understanding of some of the more technical moves we do in CrossFit, without the usual class constraints. 

Now, I want to know: What are you interested in learning about? Is there a skill you would like to practice, a movement you want to get better at, or a lifestyle topic you want to know more about?

Save yourself some time, use our expertise, and let us steer you down the path to success. You’ll be glad you did!