Posts tagged best practices
11 Lessons From the World's Top Fitness Minds

The following is an excerpt from Author Michael Easter’s 2% Newsletter:

I recently learned from 22 of the world’s brightest minds in health, fitness, mindset, community, warfare, adventure, and more.

Why it matters: These 11 ideas will help you meet goals faster, improve your habits and happiness, breathe and age better, and more.

11 Lessons from Sandlot Jax Speakers

I recently spoke at the 2023 Sandlot Jax fitness festival and also emceed all the other talks. There were 22 total. Think: A TED Conference focused on health, fitness, nutrition, adventure, and more. 

The speakers included CEOs of the world’s top fitness brands, Special Forces soldiers, CIA operatives, top nutritionists and trainers, and more. 

These ideas stood out:

1. Train in uncharted environments

From: Christian Shauf, Founder and CEO of Uncharted Supply Co.

  • Exercise outdoors—the wilder nature, the better. It will improve your fitness and mental toughness more.

Why it works: Unlike a gym, the wilderness is not climate controlled, predictable, or perfectly manicured. All those factors make each moment tougher. You must account for the weather, terrain, wildlife, and more. This improves not only your fitness, but also your ability to manage all sorts of uncomfortable and unpredictable situations.

How to use it: Christian gave a fun tip that I loved. “Run outside and get lost. See if you can find your way home. I always wear a Garmin so I can get home, but I try my best to find my way home without using the Garmin.” The trick forces him to pay attention to his environment and exercise longer as he finds his way back.

2. Compete against yourself

From: Dee Brown, NBA veteran, and 1991 NBA Slam Dunk Champion

  • Dee played against the greats. Michael Jordan, he said, is the greatest of all time.

  • Jordan was famously competitive with other players. But Jordan’s real secret—and the secret of all the NBA greats—was that he was reallycompeting against himself.

Why it works: Psychologists outline two types of motivation: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation, they write, “leads to some separate outcome such as a reward, approval from others, or the avoidance of punishment.” Intrinsic motivation, conversely, is “doing an activity without the necessity of external prompts or rewards because it is interesting and satisfies the basic psychological needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness.” I.e., intrinsic motivation allows us to rise higher instead of falling to the level of our competition. The psychologists wrote that intrinsically motivated people are “more engaged and persistent, perform more effectively, and display higher levels of psychological health and well-being.”

How to use it: One of my favorite lines (one I remind myself of constantly) is “Be a racehorse.” When racehorses compete, trainers put blinders on the sides of their eyes. The reason: The moment those horses look at what the horses next to them are doing, they get distracted, slow down, or even collapse. I.e., they fall to the level of their competition. Take that same mindset in your work: Be a racehorse. 

3. Fix the problem and shut up about it

From: Paul Litchfield, Head of Product at GORUCK, Inventor of the Reebok PUMP

  • Paul invented the iconic Reebok PUMP. But it almost didn’t happen.

  • Disaster struck when Reebok was about to release their first run of PUMP shoes. The valves of 2,000 of 6,000 pairs of shoes weren’t working, making the pump useless.

  • Paul secretly paid a team of sewers to work five days straight to fix the issue.

  • The shoes dropped on time—and became one of the best-selling shoes of the 1990s. Paul didn’t tell anyone else at Reebok about the problem until a few years later. Catastrophizing the issue and looping in higher-ups would have slowed the process and led to a bungled launch.

Why it works: When problems strike, our first inclination is often to complain or look for help. Complaining does nothing. Help is necessary if we can’t fix the problem ourselves. But if we can fix the problem ourselves, we’ll work faster by solving the issue quietly and immediately.

How to use it: Got a problem you can solve? Don’t complain. Just fix it, move on, and don’t go looking for praise by announcing your accomplishment. 

4. Breath well under stress

From: PJ Nestler, VP of Performance at FitLab

  • The downshift breathing protocol can help you recover quicker and perform better—especially under stress. 

Why it works: Box breathing—a slow breathing technique—has become popular among people interested in increasing their performance. And it’s great for when we’re at rest. But it backfires under high-stress situations, like intense exercise or performances. Better is to use the downshift breathing protocol, which matches the intensity of the situation. This better restores the balance of your oxygen and CO2, helping you recover and de-stress.

How to use it: When you’re in a high-stress situation and need to recover or calm down, try the downshift protocol: 

  1. Take six deep and fast breaths in and out of your mouth. 

  2. Now take five deep and fast breaths in your nose and out your mouth. 

  3. Now take four “recovery breaths,” where you quickly suck air into your nose, and then slowly breathe out your mouth.

5. Smile first thing in the morning

From: Michael Chernow, Founder of Kreatures of Habit

  • Smile immediately after you wake up. “And I’m not asking for a grin,” Michael said. “I’m asking for the biggest grin ever.” 

Why it works: Researchers at Penn State recently looked at the research on how smiling impacts mental and physical health. The studies “consistently suggest that smiling may have a number of health-relevant benefits, including beneficially impacting our physiology during acute stress, improved stress recovery, and reduced illness over time.” The scientists pointed to several plausible reasons why this is. But the TL;DR is that smiling—even forced smiles—seems to boost happiness and reduce our stress. We’re more likely to behave in a way that improves our lives and the lives of others.

How to use it: Just like Michael said. When you open your eyes in the morning, immediately look up and smile—big, toothy, near-idiotic—for 20 seconds. You’ll feel dumb the first five seconds, then it’ll be fun—and then you’ll have a better day.

6. Follow the 30/10 rule at breakfast

From: Dr. Mike Roussell, top nutritionist

  • Eat at least 30 grams of protein and 10 grams of fiber at breakfastto kickstart muscle recovery and rebuilding processes, feel more full and eat less junk throughout the day,  and more.

Why it works: Most people stack their protein and fiber in an unideal way. If a person eats 100 grams of protein daily, for example, they might eat 10 grams at breakfast, 15 at lunch, and 75 at dinner. Distributing the nutrients more equally across a day by following the 30/10 rule helps us live and perform better.

How to use it: To get 30/10 at breakfast, try a protein shake or Greek yogurt with berries, oatmeal with a scoop of protein powder, etc.

7. Age like a badass

From: Tina Petty, Burmese python hunter

  • As you age, finding more adventures will improve your longevity and increase your sense of meaning. 

Why it works: At last year’s Sandlot Jax Ruck Panel, Tina asked us, “How do you continue to level up as you get older and the injuries come more often, and the recovery takes longer?” Dr. Kelly Starrett took the question and answered, “You don’t. You set competition aside and train for adventure.” 

Tina’s adventure is hunting Burmese pythons in the Florida Everglades. They’re an invasive species decimating the environment and killing off most mammals (more on that here). She’s helping the environment in a way that gets her outdoors and moving far more than she would in a gym. The act also brings more meaningful rewards, because she’s helping the environment.

How to use it: What’s your version of hunting Burmese pythons? Escape the monotony of exercise by finding an adventure. Be a badass like Tina now and always.

8. Make exercise convenient and community-oriented

From: Miranda Alcaraz, CEO of Street Parking

  • Miranda created Street Parking. It started with her and her husband Julian posting simple, at-home workouts online.

  • It’s now morphed into a 35,000-member training group. They’ve discovered that the key to getting more people to exercise is to make exercise convenient and build a community around it.

  • Their workouts have a low barrier to entry, and members post their workouts and interact together online and in person.

Why it works: Communities develop under challenge. Research shows communities become tightest during times of hardship rather than ease. We can create this through group activities like exercise, volunteering, and more.

How to use it: First, develop a handful of simple workouts you can easily do anywhere. Next, look for a community to do hard things with. It could be online or in person. An excellent place to start: Street Parking, F3 (which is free!), or the GORUCK Training app.

9. Carry stuff

From: Sebastian Junger, Author of The Perfect Storm and Tribe; Co-Director of the war documentary Restrepo

  • For his book Freedom, Junger walked the railways of the Eastern US.

  • He carried with him everything he needed to survive and came to some interesting conclusions about freedom and the act of carrying.

Why it works: I’ve written about this at length, but carrying is the ultimate human physical act. We’re the only mammal that can carry weight for long distances on our own volition. It allowed us to take over the world. Still today, it’s one of the best things we can do for our health and fitness.

How to use it: Ruck, duh :). But also carry things in your gym workouts by doing loaded carries (here are a bunch of carries to try), and in regular life by carrying every opportunity you can—duffel bags instead of roll bags at the airport (GORUCK’s 57l Kit Bag is my favorite duffel), groceries while shopping, putting a light ruck plate in your everyday bag (here’s the one I use), and more.

10. Work remotely—very remotely

From: Matt Sherman, Senior Advisor to the US Department of State and Defense during the Iraq and Afghanistan War (fun fact: I traveled to some rather dangerous parts of Iraq for my new book, Scarcity Brain. If I was in danger, I was to call a very high-level politician there and say “I’m in trouble and I know Matt Sherman”).

  • After the war, Matt started hiking. He’s covered 15,000 miles on foot, hiked *everywhere,* and done hikes that last months on end.

  • Matt carries gear that allows him to make calls, send emails, etc from anywhere.

Why it works: Matt shows that you can, in fact, live the life you want to live while maintaining a solid career. Tech can be a great blessing if you use it to do more of what helps you.

How to use it: Matt’s setup runs entirely through his phone. He recommends the Iridium GO! satellite wifi hotspot and OCENSMail low-bandwidth email app. He also uses a small bluetooth keyboard so he doesn’t have to type out emails on his phone screen.

11. Put goals on a deadline

From: Ebenezer Samuel, Fitness Director at Men’s Health

  • Ebenezer has found putting your goals on a deadline allows you to reach them faster.

  • The tactic has helped him get in shape for Men’s Health fitness videos where he has to do incredibly hard exercises.

Why it works: Having no timeline for a goal makes it easy to slack off. Research shows deadlines help us prioritize our goal. So we work harder—and progress faster.

How to use it: Next time you set a goal, give it a deadline.

Thanks for reading. Have fun, don’t die.

Athlete Best Practices

“We are the sum of our actions, and therefore our habits make all the difference.” - Aristotle

When it comes to sustainable, long-term success in the realm of fitness, fat loss, and health there are certain behaviors top performers typically have in common. Keep in mind, nobody is perfect nor should 100% discipline and adherence to our habits be the mark we strive for. Rather, we should aim to check as many important “boxes” as we can, as often as we can. In doing so, we will likely continue to make progress in pursuit of our goals both in the gym and outside of it. Here’s the list, for reference:

Successful Athletes:

  • Keep a training log and know their personal bests

  • Are consistent in their training and don’t make excuses (either do or don’t, there is no “try”)

  • Are willing to prioritize and make sacrifices to accommodate their workouts as needed

  • Focus on cultivating a healthly, well-rounded lifestyle to empower their performance (sleep, diet, stress management, recovery practices)

  • Have things they are working on outside of class – movement, mobility, aerobic endurance, specific weaknesses, etc.

  • Are “coachable” and want to be coached

  • Are good listeners, and aren’t afraid to ask questions for clarity or about how to get better

  • Have other physical pursuits outside of CrossFit. What’s the point of being fit if you never use your fitness in real life?

  • Recognize that the details matter. Small refinements compound over time to create large change

  • Tend to focus internally (in your control) vs. compare themselves to others (external focus; out of your control)

  • Work hard and are competitive! There’s no shortcuts or elevators to the top and you’ve got to always find new ways to challenge and push yourself

  • Have good attitudes! Whining and complaining are a choice and make nobody better

  • Show up prepared and ready to workout. They’ve eaten and hydrated and are mentally and physically ready to go

  • Show up on time (if not early) and typically stay late. Same rules that apply in the real world

  • Are willing to trust the process, presuming the process works & makes sense

  • Have a long-term vision of where they want to be, and are willing to be patient to achieve that vision

This is by no means a complete list of habits and behaviors to emulate, but rather a collection of best practices exhibited by consistently successful athletes here at SSTC. Let this serve as a guide to help you figure out where you can make improvements and adjustments to consistently look, feel, and perform better! As a reminder, if you identify areas where you’d like to improve, but are unsure how best to go about it, just ask a coach for advice!

Originally published 6 June ‘19

The Power of Daily Walking

Walking is a simple yet potent activity that can work wonders for our overall health and well-being. With its numerous benefits for cardiovascular health, mental well-being, weight management, and longevity, daily walking is a cornerstone health habit worth embracing.

Regular walking plays a vital role in enhancing cardiovascular health. By elevating our heart rate and improving blood flow, walking lowers the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular health related conditions. It’s helpful to consider walking as an essential form of daily activity that needs to be performed independent of your exercise routine. Strenuous exercise is great but won’t provide all the health benefits of frequent walking and vice versa; the key is performing both. Do yout best to walk with good posture, maintaining an open chest while striding to maximize the benefits.

When it comes to improving mental health, walking can be a game-changer. Engaging in this low-impact exercise releases endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones, leading to improved mood and a sense of happiness that can also reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Engaging in nature walks allows our bodies and minds to recharge and rejuvenate. The restorative effect of being in nature can lead to improved cognitive function, increased creativity, and overall mental well-being. Bottom line – get your walks to help clear your mind, bonus points if you can do it in the wilderness (sans electronics!).

Walking is also a sneaky and underrated weight management tool. Regular walking burns calories and enhances metabolism while also being low impact and low intensity. Walking also helps regulate appetite, support digestion, reduce cravings, and prevent overeating, contributing to maintaining a healthy weight and body composition. A simple and effective trick to try out is incorporating a 10 minute walk after each meal, which helps with blood sugar management and stimulates the digestion process.

When it comes to essential activities for longevity, walking has long been associated with increased lifespan. Studies have shown that incorporating daily walks can lead to a longer, healthier existence by reducing the risk of chronic diseases. By embracing this simple and enjoyable habit, you are making an investment in both your short and long term quality of life and longevity. If you want to live a long and robustly healthy life, staying as active as possible is a major key.

To optimize the benefits of daily walking, it can be helpful to aim for a specific step count. According to Dr. Kelly Starrett, setting a baseline target of 8,000 steps per day is an excellent goal to strive for. It is important to note that the actual number may vary based on individual fitness levels and daily routines. The key is to gradually increase your steps, starting where you are and progressing at your own pace. Remember, that number is simply a baseline or “daily minimum effective dose”; if you can do more, even better.

If you're wondering how to incorporate more steps into your day, there are plenty of simple and practical strategies to consider. You can take the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car a bit further away, or schedule regular walking breaks during your workday. Throw in a walk post-meal, post-workout, or when taking a phone call. Get a dog, or borrow someone else’s dog, or simply remind yourself that the more time you spend on your feet while awake, the more likely you are to sleep well at night. These small changes can add up to a significant increase in your daily step count while also making the number feel less daunting.

Daily walking is a powerful tool to improve your physical health, mental well-being, longevity, and overall quality of life. By embracing this daily movement practice, you're taking positive steps (get it?) toward a healthier and happier life. Did we mention its free and you can do it anywhere, at any time? Remember to aim for 8,000 steps per day (use your phone or any fitness wearable to track), gradually increasing your step count over time. When it comes to enjoyable, sustainable, health enhancing and weight loss promoting habits, you’re not going to find a better one than regular daily walks. Start prioritizing it today and see the benefits for yourself!

The De-Load Week 101

Training frequency is a topic we’ve covered on the blog several times in the past, and for good reason: how we structure our workout routine can have a significant impact on the progress we make (or don’t make) both in out of the in the gym. The importance of being thoughtful in the scheduling our workouts, rest days, and relative intensity levels in the gym shouldn’t be overlooked, especially for those of us with a bit more mileage on the life/athlete odometer. Protocols such as “3 days On / 1 day Off” or “3 on 1 / 1 off / 2 on / 1 off” for example, tend to work well for those who train most days of the week. As a general rule, any training structure that provides at least 1-2 rest days per week and aligns well with your daily schedule are likely to be effective and sustainable over time.  

Training with sufficient intensity, frequency, and consistency are all key to making progress in the gym. However, the better you get at CrossFit, the more taxing the workouts can become – not simply in the moment suffering, but also residual soreness, and on-going mental/physical fatigue just to name a few challenges. Taking rest days here and there can absolutely help to mitigate the effects of working out hard. However, simply taking a few rest days a week while also getting after it day after day, week after week, can prove to be inadequate recovery for most athletes. Enter: the de-load week. 

De-load weeks are an extremely common, time-tested programming practice in lifting programs for any strength sport, such as Weightlifting or Powerlifting, as well in endurance programs for sports such as track and field, triathlon, and cycling. A De-load week is essentially a week where we significantly reduce one or more of the following variables: volume (total sets / reps / workout time), intensity (perceived exertion / weigh lifted as % of your max), and total workout frequency. De-load weeks or “back-off” weeks are opportunities to do just that – back off from what you’ve been doing the last weeks and allow your body the time to heal, recover, and ultimately get stronger, fitter, and faster. The beauty of the de-load week is that you aren’t taking a full week off from the gym, rather you are still showing up, breaking a sweat, and working on your technique – just at a much lower intensity and easier level of complexity.

Fatigue accumulates gradually over the course of a workout, but also over the course of days, weeks, and months of workouts. It’s rarely one workout that does you in with regards to feeling exhausted, beat up, or lacking the motivation to train. The effects of our workout routines manifest slowly, and when left unchecked, can eventually lead to sluggishness in the gym, minor nagging discomfort/issues, or even injury. Taking a bigger picture view we see that improvement for everyone (besides beginners) is non-linear. At first, we steadily improve, then plateau or slightly regress, followed by a period of steady improvement again because of either rest, adjusting our training, or some combination of both. 

Now that we’ve established what the de-load week is and why its important, let’s take a second to discuss how to implement it. When it comes to strength sports, de-load weeks are commonly programmed every 3-6 weeks depending on the program and athlete. For example, 3 weeks of pushing your workouts in the form of increasingly heavier weights or higher volume lifting followed by a week of significantly reduced weights, sets/reps, and likely movement complexity.

We can apply the same idea to regular CrossFit training just like we do our Weightlifters. For an athlete who regularly does L2 WODs, this may mean doing L1 for a few (or all) days one week, or performing the L2 workout at scaled weights and much easier paces. How frequently you need to perform these intensity back-off weeks depends on how well you generally recover from training (ah to be young again!), how often you workout, how heavy / hard you train, as well as external factors in your life that contribute to your stress and fatigue levels. This same concept applies to athletes doing L1 with higher frequency (>3x / week). Have days  or weeks where you keep the lifting lighter and intentionally work at easier to maintain paces such that you feel good once the workout is over.

How often you should program a de-load week to let your body heal will change throughout the year based on your training output and various lifestyle inputs. You should experiment with various time increments to find what works best for you. Fundamentally, this approach to working out is a proactive one, and requires you to be disciplined enough to stick to the de-load week plan even if you want to keep pushing yourself harder in the pursuit of quicker results.

Remember, long term consistency always trumps short term intensity; the effects of hard training tend to lag behind how we feel, so by the time we realize we need to take it easy for a stretch, it’s often too late and unintended consequences can enter the picture. With that in mind, let’s strive to stay ahead of the curve by smartly managing our workloads in order to stay healthy and able to perform when it counts! 

SSTC Athlete Checklist

The following is a guide to help maximize your time spent in the gym, covering your best practices as an athlete before, during, and after class. If we can be a bit more intentional and thoughtful around training times, we can increase the quality and benefits of our training sessions. Additionally, we have a lot to do and limited time to get it done, so take initiative and use your time wisely. Get here early to give yourself the time to get loose. Have the right gear for the task at hand. Warm-up intelligently for a big lift. Make sure your gear is set up for the WOD and you’re ready to get started. Take a few minutes to clean up and decompress post-WOD then go home and refuel to do it all again tomorrow. This is the way!


  • Sleep, hydrate, caffeinate, fuel as needed (more water + caffeine in the AM, more fuel aka food for later workout times)

  • Register for class!

  • Check the WOD & pack your gym bag accordingly

  • Alternatively, don’t check the WOD and have your bag packed with the essentials (wraps, sleeves, footwear, etc.)

  • Soft-Tissue Work: Use foam roller / softball / lacrosse ball

  • What feels tight/stiff/restricted? What is the focus of today’s workout? Work on those areas!

Strength Warm-Up Guidelines

  • What gear do you need? (Squat rack, barbell, clips, plates, etc.) Get it! Can you share gear with someone else who is lifting in the same ballpark as you? Share gear!

  • Determine estimated heaviest working set, then map out your warm-up jumps using 10-15% increases as a reasonable guideline. Example: Target Deadlift of 200 lbs. x 5 reps

  • Warm-up set 1: Empty bar (45 lbs) x 10 reps

  • Warm-up set 2: 95 lbs. x 5 reps

  • Warm-up set 3: 125 lbs. x 5 reps

  • Warm-up set 4: 155 lbs. x 5 reps

  • Warm-up set 5: 185 lbs. x 3-5 reps

  • Top Set: 200 lbs. x 5 reps

  • Record sets/reps/weight/notes onto your training log 

WOD General Guidelines

  • If a movement calls for:

  • ≤ 5 reps – weight should be heavy; goal is unbroken sets

  • 5-10 reps – weight should be moderate; goal is ~1-2 sets

  • 10-25 reps– weight should be light; goal is ≤ 3 sets

  • 25+ reps – partition as necessary, unless weights are very light

  • These guidelines apply primarily to barbell/kettlebell/dumbbell exercise. Bodyweight movements can typically be done in larger volumes without interruption  

Questions to Ask Yourself Pre-WOD

Do you need:

  • A Jump Rope / Rower / Assault Bike?

  • Kettlebells / Dumbbells / Barbells?

  • Slam Ball / Box / Sandbag / Wall Ball?

  • A mini-whiteboard for tracking, water, or to go to the bathroom?

  • Get it all set up, hit some practice reps, and be ready to go!  


  • Break down your gear, wipe down your sweat/chalk; return it exactly from whence it came

  • Hit a cool down walk, foam roll, stretch

  • Did you leave any personal belongings on the coat rack / cubbies?

  • Post-workout nutrition: Protein and carbs, as soon as possible!